
1100 Jadwin Ave.
Suite 250
Richland, WA 99352

WMA C RCRA Facility Investigation

Freestone provides expertise to answer complex environmental questions.

Freestone prepared a draft RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Report for the Hanford Site Waste Management Area (WMA) C in the 200 Area of the Hanford Site. Supporting Washington River Protection Solutions as the prime contractor, data and information from the following characterization activities were included in the investigation:

  • Soil collection and analysis through direct push technology
  • Tissue sampling for ecological risk assessment
  • Drywell and groundwater monitoring well geophysical logging
  • Surface geophysical exploration
  • The report documented the operational history of the 241-C Tank Farm that resulted in releases to the environment, operational and environmental factors that could influence the fate and transport of contaminants through the soil column, groundwater characterization information, and human health and ecological risks associated with releases from the tank farm. The RFI report evaluates the nature, extent, and rate of migration of releases to the environment and integrates and interprets this information to support a determination about whether interim corrective measures and/or a corrective measures study may be necessary. The final RFI deliverable fulfills Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO) Interim Milestone M 045-61.

    The WMA C RFI report presents background information and contaminant distribution data based primarily on the results of multiple Phase 1 and Phase 2 investigations conducted at WMA C.

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